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发布时间: 2020-05-13 11:01:44   作者:张帆   浏览量:


专题学习会上,通过原文学习新华社《习近平在陕西考察时强调 扎实做好“六稳”工作落实“六保”任务 奋力谱写陕西新时代追赶超越新篇章》,认真学习习近平总书记来陕考察重要讲话重要指示精神,深刻学习领会习近平总书记关于新冠肺炎疫情常态化防控工作的重要讲话和指示精神。通过《China Daily》头条播报中《Xi stresses poverty eradication goal》一文和习近平总书记五四青年节对广大青年的寄语双语学习资料内容进行重点学习,张帆老师还对习近平总书记来陕视察讲话重要指示精神中的重点部分进行中英对照讲解。


2017级党员齐泽芃说:“President Xi  came to Shaanxi province to instruct officials to overcome the impact of the novel corona virus outbreak and fulfill this year's poverty eradication goal during an inspection tour, actually I have lots of words and feelings after what China and the world have gone through or have been going through until now, I really think we Chinese people are the most disciplined nation in the world, which helped us overcome the epidemic quickly. Compared to other countries, we can see they are still in a complete mess, and many countries turn to China.

员工会主席朱孝玲也表示:President Xi encouraged us at the university to remain true to their original aspirations and pursue their careers where the country needs most. I learned that  young generations should be firm in our goals and take the responsibilities . We need to study hard and love our motherland, keep our feet on the ground and serve the society  through continuous innovation.

bevictor伟德官网团委副书记王彤说:In terms of ecological environment,  protecting measures should be taken seriouslyt to improve the ecological environment , such as the Qinling mountains and everyone of us is the guardian of the ecology of the Qinling mountains. As far as we are concerned, we should shoulder our responsibility, cherish the time and pursue our own dream.





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